Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Deco-ized elements

I changed, as per Elissa's request, the tree and the details on the houses to make them simpler, more Art Deco, more geometric. Anyone please e-mail me if you want these files to screw with or try colors or say "what was he thinking?" or anything -- s'all good.


Anonymous said...

I think that incorporating that deco element into that tree works wonders... and colour will definitely make it more cohesive. I think that using the border as well for another advantage of cohesion (is that a word?) is an excellent start!

Jake Dwyer said...

the tree is working, but this border will end up changing (already did last week when we showed joe) so keep that in mind. One of the things Joe and his colleagues liked the most about the dance panel was the fact that the houses were recognizable to the neighborhood, which is no longer the case. I think you should simplify them, but maintain the local architecture. The art deco architecture of the theater should influence the patterns and style, not the referential elements.

elissa said...

I have reworked these a bit per your ideas posted here and what I derived from my talk with Joe--will show ya'll on Thursday.